The Beach Company’s Dan Doyle Honored as a 2023 GlobeSt. Influencer

Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer recognized nationally for leading the vanguard in retail real estate…
The Jasper Wins Charleston Apartment Association’s Community of the Year

The Jasper was honored at the annual Charleston Apartment Association (CAA) Diamond Awards ceremony
New Anchor Tenant Announced for The Range, Huntsville

Merit Bank’s new HQ and bank branch opening in commercial development on Governors Drive
The Beach Company Announces the Opening of Ashley Artisan Suites

The Jasper’s Largest Retailer Welcomes First Tenants
Alcove Market Debuts at The Jasper, Charleston

Alcove Market, a posh café and specialty food market is now open in downtown Charleston.
The Jasper and Beach Company Win Two Top Development Awards

Commercial Property Executive awards celebrated 2022’s best developments, transactions and investments…
TBC’s 19-story Canvas Tower in Greenville’s Upstate Business Journal

New 19-story tower proposed for downtown Greenville near College and Academy streets in Greenville, SC
Center Point upscale apartments featured in WilmingtonBiz

Swain & Associates discusses timeline and partnering with The Beach Company on the Wilmington, NC, mixed-use multifamily project.
Forbes’ “Office Vacancy Story Reversed In Some Smaller Southeastern Markets” features TBC, Jasper and The Range

The Beach Company mixed-use projects, The Range and Jasper, are featured in Real Estate story
Charles S. Way, Jr., 1937-2022

It is rare these days to hear of an individual who is able to make real and lasting change in the world. Charlie Way was that kind of person – a standard bearer of change for the better.